Videos of people talking about how Starfish stammering control training courses have changed their lives
Over the years the Starfish Project has been chosen to feature in numerous TV stammering documentaries and items on TV news about stammering. Whilst hundreds of people saw these films about stammering and stammering therapy available from the Starfish Project and decided to come on a Starfish Project course to learn how to control stammering, we thought it was important for others who may have missed these films originally to see them.
We hope that watching these films will give people who stammer hope and information that there is an alternative.
Same Poem … Same Boy
Sam Wiggins did the Starfish Project Virtual Course and he and his mum wanted the following videos to be available for people to see on our web site. We are proud of Sam, and all of the other young people, who have attended the Starfish Project virtual courses. We look forward to giving them all the free lifetime support we promise.
Sam’s mum – Victoria writes -- Same poem... Same boy.- absolutely unbelievable!
Just look at his little face.... That smile says it all !
(poems recited a few weeks apart)
Sam has recited his poem '3 little letters' again to show the control he now has with his speech after doing the starfish project. I can't thank Anne and David enough. He's so much more relaxed and no more frustration. The difference is amazing!
Just to clear things up as I've had people ask and comment
- Sam knows he still has a stammer, it's gone nowhere. These are techniques to help control his speech.
- Sam asked to do the course, it was his decision.
- Sam knows we love him whether he stammers or not.
- Sam knows love and success is not measured by fluency.
- Sam knows that WHAT he has to say is far more important than HOW he says it.
- Sam is not ashamed of his stammer or trying to hide it, he’s just using techniques so he's less frustrated.
- it would be easy for me to post a picture of Sam crying on his down days (and believe me he had lots, you just don't see them), this wouldn't be fair on Sam... instead we try to be positive and put these feelings into a poem so he can express himself and help others who may be feeling the same.
- Whether you believe in using techniques or not, this is Sam's decision, and we support him all the way. He is a part of many of the stammering groups and had seen people using these techniques so wanted to give it a go.
- The best decision we have made...
He smiles more.. He's more relaxed...less frustration and can now say his name.
Living With A Stammer
Felicity Baker, a producer with BBC news, felt that as Joe Biden was soon to become the first American president who has a stammer, this was an important time for a news item about living with a stammer.
Felicity, is also a stammerer, and attended the Starfish Project and learned the techniques to control her own speech. We are very proud of Felicity and how well she has done and we hope this piece will improve public awareness of Stammering and let stammerers know that there is hope.
Stuttering Mind podcast - You Don’t Need To Suffer With A Stutter
Barry Rix Gives an amazing insight into living with a stammer and his life changing experiences since coming on the Starfish Project course.
Stuttering Mind podcast - It's Time to WalkThe Talk
Adam Wright tells about his life with a stammer and how the Starfish Project played such an important part in changing his life in this.
Brian Skelton is the latest member of the Starfish family to tell his story on the Stuttering Mind podcast
Have a listen here to Brian's amazing life story & the role the Starfish Project has had in his life..
Barry Rix talks about Starfish and his recovery from stammering to Business Network group
Barry came on his first Starfish course nearly 19 years ago and has never looked back.
Clips from Channel 4's 'You deserve this House'
Starfish Project students talk about Anne Blight
Phil Davies talks about the Starfish Project
Matt Callard talks about the Starfish Project
Hayley Sutton talks about the Starfish Project
Starfish Project Beat It
Following the numerous national newspaper, magazine, radio and television articles, reporting successful training in stammering control available from the Starfish Project, we were requested by a large number of parents to start courses for young people who stammer. These parents were all very concerned about the lack of speech therapy facilities, for their children, in their own home areas within the health service.
Beat It - Part 1
Steve's Story as featured in the BBC television documentary - 'Lost for Words'
There have been quite a few occasions recently when people who I know, have asked me, Steve how have you gained this control over your stammer?
After living with a severe stammer for 20 years and actually finding a way in which I can control it, is a dream come true, When talking to these people, using Technique I know all they are thinking about is why I am not moving like I used to. I think most people are too embarrassed to ask me so I usually make a point of saying it for them! (Explaining all about the Starfish Project).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
For further information please read Steve's article on gaining control over his stammer
Jack Turner on This Morning
A little time after his first Starfish course Jack Heal-Turner decided to speak about his story of stammering and finding help to control his stammer from The Starfish Project. We are so proud of Jack, the courage he showed in doing this and all he has achieved since. Please take the time to read his mum's introduction and watch this incredible piece of film.
Watch the documentary Adam Wright - Living with a Stammer
Adam Wright talking about stammering and the Starfish Project:
Read about Adams Starfish journey.
Starfish Project - Joe Allen on the BBC
Living With A Stammer
An Inspirational Story From A Recovering Stammer - Steve Simmons
Adam Wright on BBC Radio Leeds
Adam Wright talking about his stammering experiences and Starfish on the BBC radio Leeds
Starfish speaking at the RIBI Bournemouth Conference 2010
Anne Blight and Craig Hammond speaking at the Rotary in Britain and Ireland 2010 Conference.
Read more on Starfish and Rotary
Starfish Project On UK News Programme
The non profit making Starfish Project provides an effective, sustainable and affordable solution to stammering, with free lifetime support.
You will see featured in these films the compassionate and caring one-to-one training given by recovering stammerers. A chance to witness these recovering stammerers helping new people to learn the Starfish technique, that they themselves use, to control stammering that once controlled them.
We hope that these films not only give inspiration to stammerers, but also help improve public awareness of stammering, stuttering and give a greater understanding of the problem.